Virtual Academy » Virtual Academy - Enroll

Virtual Academy - Enroll

Ready to Enroll in Virtual Academy? We Can't Wait to See You Online!
Interactive Q&A Section
Enrollment Guidance for Students Displaced by Wildfires
What should I do if my family has been displaced by wildfires and we are temporarily staying within the district and we wish to enroll in a different school that is not in the attendance area where I live?
If you are the parent of a child displaced by wildfires and temporarily staying within the district but outside your school of residence, you are entitled to enroll your child in a different school. Under the Executive Order, schools are required to enroll your child in the requested school for the 2024-2025 school year, even if your residence is outside the school’s attendance area. This policy is valid until June 30, 2025. Please contact the requested school directly for specific enrollment steps and guidance. If you are missing any of the required documents for enrollment, you may still enroll, please speak to the school about obtaining affidavits for enrollment.
What should I do if my child has been displaced by wildfires and we are temporarily staying outside our district of residence, and we wish to enroll in a school in a different district?
If you are the parent of a child displaced by wildfires and temporarily staying outside your district of residence, you can request to enroll your child in a school within another district. Per the executive order, school districts are required to enroll your child to your requested district. This Executive Order provision is valid until June 30, 2025. If you are seeking interdistrict enrollment after this date, please visit to inquire about the enrollment process and any required documentation. If you are missing any of the required documents for enrollment, you may still enroll, please speak to the school about obtaining affidavits for enrollment. The online inter-district permit window will open from February 1st through April 30th. After the window closes, the application will remain open for ALL incoming inter-district permits and for outgoing parent employment requests only.
How can I enroll in a Virtual Academy school?
Please visit to sign up for a Virtual Academy school. Existing LAUSD students will use an LAUSD parent portal account to complete the registration process. New students will require that parents create a parent portal account during the enrollment process.
LAUSD Virtual Academy Enrollment

LAUSD Virtual Academy Enrollment Steps

Step Description
1. Complete the Enrollment Application Fill out the online enrollment form, providing all necessary personal information and academic history. Ensure that all sections are filled accurately and completely.
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Families living within LAUSD boundaries may enroll at

Families currently living outside of LAUSD boundaries may enroll at and complete the Inter-District Permit Process.

Families moving out of the LAUSD boundaries into an adjacent school district may enroll through the Inter-District Permit Process under the Specialized Program or Continuing Enrollment Permit Type.

2. Review and Sign the Master Agreement After submitting your application, you will be provided with a Master Agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of enrollment. This agreement must be signed by:
  • Parent/Guardian (if applicable)
  • Student
  • Teacher
The agreement must be signed before the student can officially begin coursework.
3. Receive Record of Assignments Once finalized, the student will receive a list of all assignments, activities, and expectations set by the teacher.
4. Understand Attendance and Participation Requirements Attendance is earned through completing assignments and actively participating in the learning environment. Students can earn participation points by:
  • Attending live sessions
  • Completing assignments
  • Engaging with peers
  • Interacting in lessons and projects
5. Begin Classes After completing all steps, the student can officially begin attending classes and working on assignments.
6. Maintain Consistent Attendance and Participation Students must meet attendance and participation requirements to remain in good standing. Failure to do so may result in a review of enrollment status.

Orientation Video

Interdistrict Permits Link – For more information, visit Permits and Student Transfers.

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  • Whether your student thrives online, needs a more personalized approach, or is looking for new challenges, the LAUSD Virtual Academy delivers flexibility and a high-quality education.
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Or call (213) 443-1300

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